Thank you to Nordell for sponsoring this award.
Bill joined The Hub 100 in its very early days, representing his thin company Brighton Sheet Metal. With a mostly absentee owner and little support Bill kept the business going through many trials and tribulations, bringing good profits and employment to an area of Brighton that desperately needed that kind of business.
His was one of the first testimonials we ever received – “Joining the Hub 100 has enabled me to work with fellow MDs on problems that I thought were unique to my company…” shows that he “got” the Hub 100 concept immediately.
Bill’s support for us has gone beyond positive comments, introductions, and enthusiastic participation as we cajoled him to join the Advisory Board where has been a stalwart for many years up to 2023. His solid advice and appreciation of the pressure that small business leaders face has enabled us to develop the MDHUB offering and get us to where we are now.
It is typical of Bill that he couldn’t resist the challenge of turning a consultancy project with Design Specific into leading and securing an MBO at a time when others may have thought that he should take more time to follow his other passions of cooking and rugby.