Chris Pegrum of LMS Group
This is what Chris’s Boss Luke Mead wrote about him:
On October 12th 2019, Chris became the proud father of naturally conceived triplets – Violet, William and Frank. Not only is it challenging enough being a father of 4 children – (which includes their older sister Betty) as well as having the role of Service Delivery Manager at LMS Group and managing a team of 6 people would be more than enough for most human beings. Throw in the mix the Covid19 pandemic, the IT-world went crazy as businesses needed remote working and needed it fast.
I am absolutely stunned by Chris’ performance, he amazes me. Managing a remote team of 6 people (completely new for everyone at once to be remote) with an increased workload of 170% due to an influx of tickets for client’s remote working, alongside his homelife, the man is a hero.
Throughout lockdown due to the triplets complex needs and health risks and at one point when all in 3 triplets were in different hospitals , Chris’ family was on a strict absolute lockdown. Single handed, due to the fact it was impossible for Chris to work from home, he manned the office as it was the only place where he could work. He managed to:
- Maintain Service Level Agreements during an unprecedented time of organised chaos
- Manage a whole remote team
- Man the office
- Coordinate the entire technical delivery side of the business and sustain client communications
…alongside having 4-month-old premature triplets with sensitive health requirements at home alongside their big sister and Chris’ partner Cheryl. – with no external support.
Therefore, I believe Chris is worthy of the Best Supporting Act award for 2020.
The man absolutely amazes me.