Rachel Watkyn
Rachel is owner and MD of Tiny Box Company
Like many of our members, this year has provided fantastic opportunities for growth but her nomination for the HERA award specifically recognises her success in a business that has been trading for more than 10 years. Rachel has grown the business from start up, via Dragons Den to a company with over 40,000 customers. Never happy to sit still she has launched another new business this year.
NatWest everywoman Awards
In the current climate, entrepreneurs around the country are demonstrating their flexibility and vision as demand for new products and services create an unprecedented opportunity for innovation and enterprise. Centered on the theme ‘Female entrepreneurship: keeping pace in a changing world,’ the 18th annual NatWest everywoman Awards will identify and celebrate the inspirational female founders whose creativity and resilience will help Britain weather the current economic storm.
It is estimated that female entrepreneurs could contribute £250 billion to the economy if they had opportunities to start and scale their businesses at the same rate as men. The disparity creates an economically short-sighted disadvantage for women, particularly at a time of uncertainty when talent and enterprise are needed the most.
This is why the NatWest everywoman Awards is so important – for 18 years it has built a community of female business owners and exemplary role models to share knowledge and ideas, connecting them with advisors, peers and potential investors.