Creating the right mindset for success.
In a perfect world all employees come to work and behave like robots despite what is going on in their private lives. However, the truth is that when we employ someone we take on ALL of them and whatever is going on both in and outside work.
But what can you do when someone is going through a difficult breakup, a serious health crisis or depression and their performance at work starts to suffer? There is a thin line between ‘getting too involved in the detail and the boundaries of the relationship becoming blurred’ and ’being hands off and ending up with a pivotal member of the team being on long term sick leave.’
MDHUB member, Melanie Richards from Swindells Chartered Accountants, knew that investment in coaching was the only solution to underperformance in her team and asked Helen Bailey to work with her on helping her colleagues. Melanie approached her team members and explained that as part of their development plan there were areas that needed to be addressed through independent one to one coaching. Helen completed up to four 90 minute coaching sessions with each team member to explore in complete privacy what was behind their stress, how to live and work with a calmer and easier experience and to realise their own potential.
After one session the impact was profound with Melanie reporting that, “It was incredible. Within 24 hours one team member was like a better version of their old self – you could visibly see that a huge weight had been lifted off their shoulders.”
As Helen explained, “The success of this approach is that the team member feels safe in the relationship with me and trusts that they can talk about whatever they feel is relevant to them in our conversation. My job is to point them in the direction of their own innate wisdom which allows them to visibly transform. What is fascinating to me is it is never ‘me’ I am merely a conduit in them doing their own work and untapping their own potential.”
As one team member reported after the coaching, “Helen makes you think and helps you work your way through your issues. She cares about you and is there for you – I found the coaching experience rejuvenating, inspiring and enlightening. I am calmer, more positive, happier and my quality of life has improved. I find myself dealing with problems in a different way. I now have an alternative mindset that I can bring in to use professionally and personally and which I hope to pass on to my children.”