Financial Consultancy and Finance Courses

Could your business benefit from some financial scrutiny and objectivity? Phil Green has been a Director of the MDHUB for 16 years and during that time he has advised over 200 businesses and spent thousands of hours in detailed discussions…

Thinking about an exit strategy?

How to re-define your lifestyle with purpose and identity. We are delighted to welcome previous MDHUB member, Rob Day to our team.

mdhub Business Review

A one-to-one session to examine and review every aspect of your business. mdhub has developed a business diagnostic tool which supports companies to examine and review every aspect of their business

WIN WIN Negotiating Skills & Techniques

For anyone who is involved in negotiation in the workplace. Negotiation takes place across the whole range of business transactions,

Organisational Development

Understanding how your team works enables them to thrive in the toughest of situations.

Coaching brings quick, positive results

Creating the right mindset for success. In a perfect world all employees come to work and behave like robots despite what is going on in their private lives

Strategy Days

A day away from the office to focus on what’s important I wanted to bring my whole team from KBC PR together for a day out of the office

Are you developing the future leaders of your business?

Futurehub – for the next generation What is it? A 12 month programme of development for the future leaders of your business.

Building a Strategic Brand Strategy

How to position your business in the marketplace and communicate effectively to drive scale and growth.

mdhub Consulting

With the support of the bank and our own money, we bought the business in January 2009 for £45 – but inherited a £624,000 debt!

What are yours and your team’s strengths?

Good to great – Annabel Shilton focuses on strengths to increase productivity…

AI: should you believe the hype?

Having worked in digital for nearly 25 years I have seen a lot of technologies come and go